We are proud to feature Annie Olds as our Alumni Success Story this week. Annie serves as the Northwest Regional Director and Certified Small Business Consultant at the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in the Northwest Michigan Region. She has been with the SBDC for four years and an even larger part with Networks Northwest since 2006. Annie works with both startup and growth based companies (and everything in between), leading a team of individuals to grow stronger businesses.
Annie is not a stranger to running and developing a business. She grew up in a very successful family-owned dairy and value-added food business in Kalkaska. “Being from a big family farm, I had no intention on going to college. But, I had an interest in how the business aspect of the farm worked. So, I enrolled at Northwestern Michigan College in TC and quickly earned my associates degree. After that I continued my education and earned my bachelor’s degree in business in 2003 from DU,” stated Annie.
Annie worked for DU in Gaylord and Traverse City after graduation and earned her MBA in strategic management. “Davenport laid the groundwork for my success. I got a good education and my programs could not have been more perfect for my profession,” stated Annie. With her education and experience, she is able to help businesses with operations and management planning, transition planning, marketing, cash flow management and analysis, sales growth, access to capital, as well as value-added ag and food processing businesses. Annie’s additional background in training development provides her the ability to create and customize educational opportunities that appeal to specific needs of small business owners across our region.
Annie also enjoys mentoring. In the past she taught as an adjunct at Baker College and DU. She plans on teaching at DU in Traverse City as an adjunct in the Winter 2016 semester. When Annie is not working, she spends most of her time with her husband and new baby. She enjoys traveling, riding horses, and spending time with friends. She and her husband are also in the process of buying their own 126 acre farm near Kalkaska.
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