Celia Allen-Hames is the Head Cheerleading Coach for the NCA Competitive team, Stunt Competitive team, NAIA Competitive team and the Sideline team. While Celia coaches and leads all of these teams, she can find areas that are very rewarding.
“I love the relationships I make with athletes … every athlete that I have had the privilege to coach has left an impact in the way I lead. The most rewarding part of my job comes at the tail end of every season, when individuals rise to the occasion after facing adversity, struggle, and challenge. The most amazing feeling as a coach is seeing their individual and team transformation from Day 1 of summer practices to the ending ‘Panthers!’ that finishes off our routine.”
During Celia’s time at Davenport, she has helped bring the team to many championships:
- 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 NCA National Championship Coach (DU)
- 2015, 2016 STUNT National Championship Coach
- 2017 NAIA Regional Championship
- 2016 WHAC Championship
- 2017 (3rd) at NAIA National Championship
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