Tami Putney joins Traverse City Nursing team as BSN Concurrent Program Coordinator
Apart from the Concurrent Program Coordinator in Traverse City, Tami Putney is the director of nursing for Critical Care Services at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City and a certified Nurse Executive. Tami holds 16 years of nursing experience, specializing in critical care and nursing informatics to the Davenport team.
Career coaches Eric Cross and Linda Lamorandier become certified in the Strong Interest Inventory Assessment
The Strong Interest Inventory Assessment is used in ACES100 and other courses with prospective and new students. This assessment helps students identify majors and potential career paths for student’s coursework, program planning and strategic career planning.
Melissa Haswell participates in Educator Professional Development Conference
Melissa Haswell from the Great Lakes Bay Campus was invited among 60 other top science educators in the country to participate in the 2018 HHMI Educator Professional Development Conference with BioInteractive on July 22 to 28 at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute headquarters in Chevy Chase, Maryland. The conference featured presentations by scientists, including the infamous Sean Carroll whose work illustrates the common logic of regulation on ecological, physiological, and cellular scales. After the presentations, Haswell was able to work collaboratively to develop new BioInteractive educational resources. Resource development was completed in small teams aimed at producing a variety of resources for participants to use with their students. Additional training at the conference emphasized diversity and inclusion in the classroom.
Haswell also presented a poster at the conference related to her work as a higher education ambassador for HHMI BioInteractive. The poster was entitled, “Using Bio Interactive Alzheimer’s Activity in a Pathophysiology Course for Nursing Students.”
Davenport innovation showcased at flagship Blackboard Conference
Kriss Ferluga, faculty course developer for delivery systems and co-director of the Center for Teaching Excellence, attended BbWorld18, Blackboard’s annual conference to present “How to Build a Competency-Based Faculty Training Program to Impact Student Success.” This presentation involved the Global Campus Faculty Assessment course that Ferluga constructed to prepare Davenport instructors to teach in tech-driven course formats. This prestigious conference included more than 2,000 participants representing more than 1,000 institutions from 42 countries.
Career coaches Ethan Tanis and Genevieve Steffes become Global Career Development Facilitators
The Global Career Development Facilitator certification affirms that both career coaches are qualified to provide career coaching and advising to individuals seeking to enter the workforce at high school, community, college, and university levels. This assures that Davenport students, faculty, and staff who seek input from the DU Career Services team are getting the highest level of professional insights available.
Dean Pamela elected as Vice Chair for the International Accreditation Council for Business
Pamela Imperato, dean of the Donald W. Maine College of Business and the College of Technology at Davenport University, was elected to serve as vice chair of the board of directors for the International Accreditation Council for Business at its 2018 annual meeting. She was first elected as a Board Member in 2016. The IACBE is a global educational accreditation body for college and university business programs. Its membership extends to 20 countries with over 200 accredited universities world-wide. Davenport University been accredited by the IACBE for its business programs since 2008 and was one of the first universities to receive additional specialized accreditation of its Accounting programs in 2017.
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