Davenport University to host “How to Pay for College 101” Workshop on Lansing Campus

Davenport University is hosting a financial aid workshop at its Lansing campus on Thursday, March 20, titled Making College Affordable: How to Pay for College 101.

The public is invited to attend either or both of the workshop’s two sessions: the first at noon and the second at 5 p.m. No registration is needed.

“Community events of this kind help both students and parents consider their financial aid options for college tuition,” said Susan Porrett, Davenport executive campus director, Lansing. “We’re looking forward to welcoming potential and current students of all ages looking to learn more about their options.”

The workshop will take place in Room 305 on Davenport University’s Lansing campus, located at 200 South Grand Avenue in Lansing.

During each session, financial aid advisors will explain how to navigate the financial aid process. Topics will include where to start, how to find free money for college, and how to locate scholarships, grants and other alternative funding options. They will also discuss the FAFSA application for federal student aid.

The workshop is open to the public, whether you’re a current or prospective Davenport University student, a parent, or simply someone looking for information about paying for college.

Prospective Davenport students are encouraged to reach out to their advisor or admissions representative with any questions. Others can contact Davenport at 866-383-3548.

More information is available at www.davenport.edu.


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