(Grand Rapids, Mich. – May 11, 2020) Davenport University announced today that it has created a scholarship to support those individuals unemployed, laid-off or furloughed because of COVID-19. Davenport’s new Launch Scholarship provides up to $8,000 per year for up to 4 years of education.
“These individuals are our friends and neighbors and we are in a position to be able to offer support and skills during this time of transition,” said Davenport University President, Dr. Richard J. Pappas. “We stand ready to provide the degree programs, professional development, and career services to help them quickly take the next step in their education and career.”
The Launch Scholarship will support those unemployed, laid-off or furloughed on or after March 1, 2020 and are looking to earn a graduate degree, finish a bachelor’s degree or take additional professional development programs to enhance their skills.
The university first offered this scholarship earlier this month to nearly 6,500 businesses who are members of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.
“We applaud Davenport’s commitment and partnership for finding an alternative approach to helping individuals impacted by layoffs, as a result of COVID-19,” said Rich Studley, president and CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce. “Thousands of individuals were displaced by the virus and the state’s lockdown. The Launch Scholarship gives hope to those looking forward to a bright future.”
This is the second offering the university has put together to support those affected by COVID-19. Earlier this month Davenport introduced a free career-focused online course, Communications 120E – Presentation Techniques, which gives each participant an opportunity to hone their presentation skills, build their resumes, enhance their LinkedIn profiles and earn three college credits.
The Davenport University Career Services Department is also offering career assessments and transition strategies to those unemployed because of COVID-19, as well as training for interviews, and resume and cover letter development.
The Launch Scholarship offers up to $8,000 for up to 30 credits for up to 4 years. To be eligible for the program, individuals must be unemployed, laid-off or furloughed on or after March 1, 2020. The Launch Scholarship is available to individuals and alumni who plan to take degree-seeking courses during the summer or fall semester at Davenport University. The deadline to apply is September 8, 2020.
Individuals interested in taking advantage of this program can visit davenport.edu/launch, call Davenport University at 800.686.1600 or send an email to info@davenport.edu. Davenport is also hosting a free webinar starting May 14 for employers and individuals interested in learning more about the scholarship. The Launch Scholarship Webinar sign-up is available at davenport.edu/launch.
Media contact: Amy Miller, amy.miller@davenport.edu
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