Executive Director and adjunct faculty’s online textbook provides digital coursework to institutions all over the world

Steven Stromp, Davenport University’s Executive Director of Market Intelligence, is proud to announce that his new textbook, “Market Research Essentials” is now live via Stukent – One of DU’s text publishers.

Stromp holds over 20 years’ experience in the market research field. In his role at DU, he provides market insights about higher education to help drive strategic decision making. He also teaches courses in marketing foundations, business research and marketing research.

His insights are used to create instructional programs, as well as, review current programming.

“When I was approached by Stukent, it was a dream project for me. It gave me the opportunity to gather all of my knowledge that I have learned as a research practitioner,” Stromp said. “I was excited to bridge together what the real world of research is like with what is being taught in the classroom.”

Stukent is an online platform for students that provides digital coursework to institutions all over the world. Stukent offers simulations, digital libraries and expert sessions.

Stromp’s digital textbook offers an understanding on how to properly conduct market research through tools, assignments, and a comprehensive project. Students learn the process from start to finish, including how to present and communicate the results.

The beauty of this online textbook is that it is frequently updated throughout the year with relevant information. This also is a way to keep costs low for students compared to traditional print books.

“I’ve implemented many assignments and real-world examples from the text into the market research courses I teach at Davenport,” Stromp said.

Students need to learn core concepts about business research and should be exposed to what they can expect as graduates.

“The text follows my philosophy, ‘first, nail down the research objective. Second, gather low hanging fruit via secondary research. Finally, conduct primary research as needed,” Stromp said.


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