Kevin Jurek is the owner of Organizational Improvement Solutions LLC. He has been a facilitator with Davenport University’s Institute for Professional Excellence for over a year, focused on leadership and organizational improvement.
Q – Why do you teach with Davenport University?
A – Davenport’s reputation in the business community is second to none. When I worked in corporate America, lots of people in the corporate training community talked about how well developed the DU programs were.
Q – When someone has completed a training with you, what do you hope they walk away knowing?
A – When I talk about leading successful businesses, I always talk about people first. Take care of them first, then the results will come. Many of the people I see in the classroom think of success the other way around. After leaving my classroom, they realize the absolute importance of the “people side” of business.
Q – What is your most memorable moment as an IPEx facilitator?
A – While working with a client during a full day strategic planning session, the president took me aside during the first morning break. He is the type of person that absolutely knows what he wants and had a definite agenda for our session.
I was really afraid that I had done something wrong or wasn’t taking his team in the direction he wanted. He told me that this was already one of the best run sessions he’d ever been in and was looking forward to the outcomes. The results of that day went beyond his expectations (and they were high!).
Q – What excites you about “Personal Accountability and the QBQ (Question Behind The Question)” and what can participants look forward to?
A – Personal Accountability isn’t just another topic that you fit into a curriculum. It is an overarching concept that drapes itself over everything needed in a successful organization (leadership, sales, teamwork and customer service). Participants of this class should be prepared to take a really good look at themselves and what they can do to make accountability an integral part of their daily living. Be careful … this class can be life-altering!
Q – Tell us about a time that you faced a hardship and still found success.
A – On Oct. 31, 2016, I was told by my boss that I was losing my leadership development specialist role. I had 60 days to tie up my loose ends and go home. Rather that blame others or feel like a victim, I decided to take personal responsibility for my life and started my own learning/development/consulting practice. Read the full story behind this experience.
Programs & workshops he facilitates
Fun facts about Kevin Jurek
- He and his wife have been married for over 30 years. They have two daughters and two grandkids
- His assistant office manager is his 15-year-old golden retriever
- When he was 19, he tried out for the Cincinnati Reds
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